Why is it that so many people these days (our youth, most perplexingly) are so oblivious and accepting of the corporatocracy that rules our lives? Why are giant billboards advertising national brands in our neighborhoods not regularly defaced with paint?
It's time for a paradigm transformation, people. It's time to look back into history for guidance. Help me out here. The time to capitulate is not now...not now, my friends. It's time for the long view. Time for an overhaul.
If you can count yourself, as I do, as a student of history, you know that terrible eras—such as the one in which we are now yoked—do not last forever. There is hope. But, in order to turn this ugly state of affairs around, we do have work to do...Are you ready? Kiss that lazy ass good-bye. No more hiding in the fox hole.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."—Thomas Edison
"The good Earth, we could have saved it, but we were too damn cheap and lazy."Are you with me? Are we going to raise "honor" to its rightful place again? Are you ready to join our fighting force—the Spartanista Vegan Army?
Which side of the barricade will you be on?
Pamela Rice
Spartanista Vegan #1