Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Nearly six days into my weight-loss fast

It's funny, no, seriously tragic, how human beings can remain in denial for very long periods of time, sometimes for their entire lives. You can always detect denial in others. That's easy. In yourself, not so easy. 

You detect denial in yourself—and I mean truly detect it—the day you wake up to a glaring truth. And for some reason, you're ready to hear it. 

My denial: obesity. 

Excuses: Oh, I've had a million of 'em. "Tomorrow" is my best one... Tomorrow, I'll go on that diet. Otherwise, I just put it out of my mind. I live with the horrible consequences: aloneness, obscurity (when I used to be a public figure in certain circles), and workaholism (feeling I have to justify my existence in some way, usually sitting, to achieve what I always think to be very important tasks and functions).

You may want to characterize this blog post as a confessional. And a confession is always cleansing: Ask Augustine, who was, perhaps, the first to put a lot of them down on paper. Confessions cleanse the soul. And, it happens, fasting is cleansing, too.

At the start of this year, 2019, going on 64 years of age—better late than never—I woke up to my own obesity. Who would have thunk it? And I started to plan for my slimness. Thank you, Jesus.

My awakening was prompted by a video that offered new scientific facts from tons of fresh research I really was not aware of. And—drum roll, please—it plotted a truly realistic way out. And I thought there was no way out. So I gave up. In any case, I've failed so many times attempting diets that anyone else would have given up, too.

(I need to watch this video every day! I can never forget the information it tells me.)

The video proclaims that fasting is a real option. I knew this from previous readings. But I was scared away from it by a lot of disinformation that broadcasts everywhere all the time.

What are we all told? What is this disinformation?:
  • You'll drop dead
  • You'll feel ravenously hungry for days on end
  • You'll regret it for the life-long health problems you'll create
  • You'll burn muscle not fat
  • You'll have ugly ripples of loose skin hanging all over you forever
All of this—and I mean all of it—is discounted in the video—along with other videos that also advocate fasting. 

And, on the contrary, these videos tell us that you will experience healing, more energy, higher libido, and, of course, weight loss—typically, a pound per day.

So, at 5 pm, January 2, 2019, I started my fast. (See future blogs, here, recounting some of what I learned and how I went about it.)

And today, at 5 pm, I will have fasted for 6 days: Not a juice fast. But a complete fast.

I only consume no-calorie drinks and supplements. 
  • Water (lots of it)
  • Green tea
  • Coffee
  • Sea salt dissolved in heated water
  • Cream of tarter (high in magnesium), small amounts in a tumbler of water
  • Chlorella tabs
  • B-complex tabs
  • Mineral-complex tabs
  • Omega-3 (vegan formula) capsules
Some of these things, I've found, stimulate hunger for a while because of something they contain. In other words, they were not no-calorie, and any calories, no matter how few, will stimulate hunger, that which would otherwise not occur. I'm still working on determining which ones are causing problems. I may be heading over to a vitamin store today to get more appropriate (no-calorie) items. 

In any case, don't worry, be happy...for me. 😛

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Age-old practice is good enough for me

I discovered a new way of looking at fasting today when an interesting video came up in my YouTube feed. I've fasted in the past but never more than a couple of days, perhaps three at most. I don't remember anything great ever coming of it. I do remember binging at least once when coming off a fast and I always felt bad about that. And, unfortunately, the binge cultivated a wary feeling about fasting ever since.

Otherwise, I've engaged in partial severe low-calorie fasts that, again, were no big whoop for me, if memory serves me right...

Anyway, click HERE to link to the video... and try to skip the annoying ads, LOL.

The gist of the video offers some startling information. Though I sort of knew some of this before, the video brought much all together and hammered it home to boot.


Fasting has 4 major amazing benefits:
  1. Hunger goes away entirely within three days
  2. Metabolism does not go down, especially if one gets out and exercises, yes, exercises on no food
  3. Muscle mass is not lost especially if one gets out and exercises, strange but true
  4. Lost pounds are derived from fat NOT muscle and NOT just water weight
On the contrary, a calorie-restricted diet causes the following:
  1. Hunger is a constant
  2. Metabolism goes down considerably—not good when you want to burn fat
  3. Calories are derived from added carbohydrates from added food not from stored fat
  4. Muscle mass may be diminished
  5. Your energy level may be lowered
The video recounts an amazing story of a 400+ man who consumed nothing but water, black coffee, and plain tea for a year(!), living off his body fat the entire time. Amazing.


This scenario is just about music to my ears. If I can just get past the first three days, I could lose this 25 pounds extra I've been carting around in just a couple of weeks. (Realistically, I'm 50 pounds overweight.) And how about all the money I'm going to save on food. Woo woo.


Apparently, it's time to start eating again—when on this total-fast diet—when hunger returns. So, I'm going to have listen to my body; it should keep me informed. 

Let's get started.