Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sun., Aug. 22: Rollerblading or skating or skateboarding


Rollerblade, roller skate, or skateboard with us along Hudson River Park bike-way/skate-way (Manhattan, New York City)

We will be on bicycle/skating designated concrete trails the whole time.

We will stop upon consensus as many times at we like.

DATE: Sunday, August 22, 2010.

START TIME: 11 a.m.

END TIME: 3:00 p.m.

Start: Pier 45 at Christopher Street, Manhattan, New York City

ROUTE: Head uptown to 120th Street and then back down to Pier 45. If we have not gotten enough by then, we can go down to Battery Park City and back.

Call to join/rejoin the group if you get separated from us: 212-966-2060, cell.

I did much of this route about a while ago. With my GPS-enabled smart phone, I tracked my ride with Endomondo, and I listened to a fascinating YouTube interview at the same time. If you can do it, at least track with Endomondo. It's fun to hear the voice come in to tell you how far you've gone so far, how long the ride is estimated to take, given your mileage goal, and what your lap time average is. Lap time, I assume is the time it takes you to ride a mile.

See you there!

... Pamela R.