Wednesday, January 2, 2019

All things America puts all things human health in jeopardy

Everything about the U.S. of A. goes against human health. And I mean that broadly as in mental as well as physical health. And particularly mental health. My whole life I've wondered about people comfortable with the way things are. Are they just not looking? They're just not looking. If you're not part of the discomfort you're part of the complacency. All around me I see the lambs lining up obliviously, obediently walking to slaughter. And what is this slaughter, metaphorically speaking? Obesity. Currency collapse. Peak everything. Corporatocracy. Fake news.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life; such a trite expression, that is.  This time I'm going to mean it. I don't even know if I have any subscribers here. So what, on that score. Suffice to say, this will be my sounding board; okay with that, people? I'm in a good place right now, wisdom-wise. I'm not the physical specimen I used to be; but wise I am at 63.

Project Pamela....

I'm going to take my own advice. Imagine that!  I'm going to take the advice that which this blog expresses.

I learned something new just today, which just might be the golden key. Oh, the key. Metaphorical key. So much suffering. Can it end? I'm all in. Stay tuned.